Zip'r Mobility Upgrades the Traveler Scooter

February 28, 2022

NORTH BEND, WA – The new and improved Zip’r Traveler 3- & 4-Wheel Mobility Scooters from Zip’r Mobility is now available.

The new Traveler is much improved over the outgoing model. New Traveler power scooters will feature an upgraded batteries increasing its maximum range from 10 miles to 12 miles.

An increase in range for the Zip’r Traveler is a game changer as Zipr will not increase the prices for both 3 wheel and 4 wheel Traveler scooters for the upgrade.

“The Traveler line is Zip’r Mobility’s best-selling, so we wanted to give customers a highly usable upgrade which will rival even some lithium powered scooters at a fraction of the cost” Zip’r has built our brand on being the value mobility solution choice and we’ve doubled down on what made us an industry leader. Scooter for scooter both the Zip’r 3 and Zip’r 4 are our best-selling 3-wheel and 4-wheel mobility scooters. We now expect them to be even more robust with the upgraded range. 

For more information on the Zip’r Traveler series of Mobility Scooters,

*The Zip’r Traveler 3 & 4 Wheel Mobility Scooters is an FDA Class II Medical Device

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